Seems to me "embellishing" is a broadly encompassing word. "Station" seems to imply a fixed location.
For a piece with carving, I turn, remove from the lathe and sometimes mount the piece on a carving stand (Best Wood Tools) for much of my initial prep standing (hand saw, chisel, files, dremel, foredom, etc), maybe back and forth to/from the lathe as needed, some carving/texturing while mounted on the lathe, some off. Depends.
Then I move to an extremely comfortable Aeron chair and put my feet up for most of the detailed carving/shaping/sanding/texturing by hand. Usually with my feet up. Sometimes I put a towel under the piece. The chair is next to a small table where I put tools and such. I've watched Graeme Priddle and Melissa work and seems like they worked in a similar way. Difference is their pieces are astounding.
Below is one piece I did approximately as described above, about 10 years ago.
This was my first attempt at such a thing - I'll do a lot of things differently next time.
Bradford pear.
Initial steps on the lathe.
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End result. I didn't get photos of any intermediate steps.
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I have no idea how much of this would be considered "embellishing".
Does chip carving count as embellishing?
I do most of my chip carving in the same chair or in a small folding chair pulled up to a small, low table.
The table is actually an electronic keyboard stand with plywood mounted on the top, has plenty of leg room underneath, no drawers,
A sample of chip carving, beginner's level.
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Sorry, I don't have pictures of my chairs or my small table.
I carved a quick sign that describes my work "stations" (and my entire shop):
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