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Richard Kennedy


Lime approximately 250mm x 100mm

This is my entry in the International woodworking exhibition turning competition that is to be held in Alexandra palace this weekend.

It nearly never got there as I am unable to go but am indebted to Margaret Garrard a turner from Yorkshire who is going to take it for me! My original entry was to have been a pierced piece but it had an accident at an early stage of its creation so I almost gave up on the idea of entering however I decided with only 4 days to spare to try and make something this is it!

All comments welcomed
Richard, this is just great, the title is perfect, the shadow effect is stunning, and some beautiful work, so good luck at the show. one question, how did you accomplish that finish?
Hi Joe thanks for your comments the finish is what takes the longest time. After cutting the trees out I use a round ball burr to shape the branches then they are sanded by hand to refine the shape then I use a pyrography machine to texture the trees to make it look a bit like bark the finished surface receives coats of organoil

thanks again for commenting

Beautiful Richard. I can hardly finish a bowl in four days and to think that you finished this outstanding piece in that time. Wow.
Hey everyone and thanks for commenting Terry its your fault I did it in 4 days. I was thinking about your last platter you seem to create at a phenomenal rate so much so I thought I must be slow I should speed up! although i quite liked sleeping!!!

Thanks for al your comments

I love it, I am a big fan of negative space and the shadows that they throw. Personally, and not a jab at all, I would like to see the base as the same color/wood as the bowl portion, but even that I have been going back and forth over. It may be your artistic interpretation and your own for that.
The execution is beautiful. If it weren't for the size, I would want to buy it (I am a collector of slightly smaller work). But I am sure it will go. Awesome work.

You need to upload a larger image so we can really enjoy the intricities and details of the piece.
Thanks steve for your comment the base hasn't come out well in the photo. It has grain markings in it which matched the colour of the pyrography in a way that I liked so I left it however you are not the first person to mention the base and so I will be giving the next on very careful consideration!

Thanks for your input and I have now changed the photo to a larger one!

Having done that I just clicked on it and the picture appears blurred I will try and post a better photo asap

have just uploaded a 1200x 800 pix 400+kb photo and the result is the same any help on getting a better image to you please let me know!

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