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2nd issue of woodturning design

May 13, 2004
Anyone know when the 2nd issue of the mag is due out?..premier issue I think said the 18th or 19, which is only a day or two away... Dennis Taylor
Due date

Dennis, I read somewhere last week that the new edition was due out on the newsstands yesterday (16th). I'm going to check my local outlet (W-M) today at lunch, and I'll report back.


My local Wal-Mart had the second edition today (17th) here in Lincoln, Ne.
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2nd issue of WTD

The second issue is due out officially on May 18th. However, subscriptions have been going out for about a week and I've seen copies on the shelves as early as last Thursday (5-13) in our area. Grocery stores, Wal-Mart, and K-Mart appear to have the most widespread coverage of all the stores if you are having a problem locating a copy.

If your favorite store is not carrying the magazine, ask that they do.

The Premier issue I got from Barnes & NObel, but they don't have the new yet, and neither does Waldon books, I haven't made it to Wal-Mart or K-Mart, Joe says it is on the streets, just got to find the right place to get it...local Woodcraft store didn't carry it, and acted like they never heard of it, neither does Rockler carry it....I will keep up the search, it was a great premier issue and have been looking forward to this one, had a lot of good items, and being newer to turning, they were great....I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did....Dennis Taylor
I found it at my local Joe Muggs newstand a week ago. A great issue! This journal really hits some project work. Pictures of projects are excellent.
PapaDoc said:
I found it at my local Joe Muggs newstand a week ago....
I would probably shop there just because of the name!

It is interesting how the opinions of the magazine vary. I have seen heavy criticism lately because it is very project oriented and others who like it for the same reason.
Although I've rec'd the first two issues, yesterday I once again rec'd issue #1! I don't know why...I never called and griped that it was late.!?!
Not Yet

I haven't received my issue yet. The first issue got to me quit late also. 🙁
I will give them a couple days then I will call or email or whatever way I can find to contact them.
Duplicate 1st issue

I also received a free copy of the first issue, even though I haven't subscribed to it yet. Haven't quite decided. With my free issue was a notice that I'd been chosen to receive a free issue to read and evaluate, blah, blah, blah..

Bob, looks like we're on a list! Not a bad list, if I can get free magazines from it :cool2:

We just sent out a second round of complimentary copies of issue #1 to those who did not receive one the first time around. That's where the duplicates are coming from.

If you have subscribed and have not gotten your copy of Issue #2 as yet, please email me at editors@woodturningdesign.com and I will forward your message to the lady who is trying to sort this problem out. She is very efficient and will get each specific problem resolved. Dealing with this problem AGAIN has gotten rather frustrating, especially when I thought we had it solved!


100% Support for Woodturning Design

Nothing less than 100% support for this new effort is acceptable. Critique is fine, but you must buy the magazine and make your own judgment. Subscribe if at all possible. A work of this type is a monumental undertaking. We are so lucky that someone thinks that they can make an economic success in an area with such a small market. If there is anything at all that you do not like about the magazine, let them know. The first edition is impressive. It is bound to get better, but without initial support they will not have a chance.

There are not that many of us you know! However, ferret owners have access to Modern Ferret Magazine - The Ferret Lifestyle Magazine - Ferrets Magazine - The American Ferret Association Quarterly and a variety of local chapter newsletters, not to mention the British contribution, Ferrets First. Now, as far as those that run around the woods shooting paintballs at each other .... 😱
Woodturning Design #2

Second issue of Woodturning Design is on the shelves (obtained from Home Depot) at several locations in my area.

Perhaps not as good as the premier issue, but still worth a look. Am sure have seen some of the articles somewhere before.

It appears this magazine will be a welcomed quarterly to the turning arena.