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Bowl Profiles

Apr 17, 2021
Florissant, MO
Sorry, wrong question or wrong place. Not sure which so I'll get rid of it.

If a moderator or administrator can remove/delete the critter I'd be appreciative.
Last edited:


Dec 22, 2006
Panning for Montana gold, with Betsy, the mule!

Because you like one shape, and your wife likes another, it should give you an indication that you can't please everyone. The best advice I could give, is to do what you like mostly, with an occasional calabash for your wife.....but, you may have to distinguish between her desire to have something that is personal for you, given to her......or, something only she wants. There is no right/wrong good/bad in that, just that you have to set priorities for yourself, without letting anyone else influence that. I subscribe to this philosophy and have been doing what I like since day one.

Since I intend to sell my work, the rules change a bit, but the basic concept hasn't. You will find there is a full spectrum of those who buy turned art and bowls. The great majority of the buying public are budget minded, and there are a ton of turners who service that market......mostly resulting in plain works that don't have much of anything that really distinguishes them from the others.

I find that my works are being purchased by those who have disposable income, but only those who like what I like! ......So, my basic philosophy has still not changed.....I'm still doing what I like, and not compromising my personal artistic reach to make a sale.

I'm drifting from the main subject some.......sorry. I do want to make the point that you are more in tune with an artistic level of appreciation, with your preference of the "hour glass" shape, while your wife has more of a utilitarian appreciation.......in my opinion, of course! ;)

Jan 24, 2010
Cleveland, Tennessee
Because you like one shape, and your wife likes another, it should give you an indication that you can't please everyone.
That is a basic truth for those of us who are married. After almost 49 years, it is carved in stone as the years go by. Never sold on any market but the grocery, Walmart, etc. carry different styles of clothes, furniture to please most everyone. But that doesn't always hold true. Go the car dealers and see how many models, styles, colors are on the lot or available for order.
I recall seeing displays of turnings on this forum. Several turnings to choose from.

Roger Wiegand

Beta Tester
Nov 27, 2018
Wayland, MA
But that doesn't always hold true. Go the car dealers and see how many models, styles, colors are on the lot or available for order.
Funny you should bring up that example-- DW and I were discussing the other day about how almost all cars these days look virtually identical, probably driven by aerodynamics. Same basic station wagon form-- jack it up and it's a crossover, inflate it a bit and it's an SUV, but the same basic shape from all the manufacturers. It's hard to tell a Toyota from a Chevy from a Porsche from 100 feet away. If you want a car (a used one anyway) in something other than black, white and silver good luck to you! (I notice that it's an extra kilobuck or two if you want a red Tesla rather than the standard black/white/silver.)

I experiment a lot with shapes for my objects-- well experiment isn't exactly the right word, they have all been done before, but I enjoy mimicking all kinds of shapes from the classic Greek/Roman ones to Asian-influenced and beyond. Most of them, if executed well, are pretty pleasing (and all are terrible if done poorly!). All of them will, ultimately, appeal to someone.
Aug 14, 2007
Eugene, OR
I think there is a book out there some where on bowl profiles, but can't remember any more.... Anyway, I think half of the fun of turning bowls is to experiment with shapes and profiles. I prefer plain and simple, some go very ornate. One piece I turned, which was my first experiment with an ogee curve, I thought it was the ugliest thing I ever saw. First person in the booth, who owned a retail store in LA, picked it up.....

robo hippy