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Member Directory

John Van Domelen

Retired Forum Admin
Mar 19, 2007
Houston, TX
possible solution ?

Perhaps posting a PDF of the directory in the members area available for download would work.

The folks that want it can view and print it for themselves as needed.

I may be in the minority but I have to say honestly that I don't think I have opened mine after glancing through it after initially receiving it.
Apr 17, 2006
Kingston, Oklahoma
A lot of the membership is not online. Many of us like having it in the glove box when we travel. Phone numbers and email address change over time.

Perhaps posting a PDF of the directory in the members area available for download would work.

The folks that want it can view and print it for themselves as needed.

I may be in the minority but I have to say honestly that I don't think I have opened mine after glancing through it after initially receiving it.
Jun 24, 2010
New Mexico
Having done a newsletter for 15 years for another organization I found that a lot of people are too lazy to inform the right person of their new address.

In our organization everything was sent to the last known address, if you failed to update it, tough! The information about elections etc. was in the newsletter, and per the bylaws, all that had to be done was mail the newsletter to the last known address to meet the requirements. Now they have the option of emailing the newsletter in PDF form or USPS mailing the newsletter. The current editor tells me some members are just as lazy today as they were back in the 90's.
Jun 26, 2010
Torrance California
What's the cost?

I like having a printed copy, but I wonder what the cost is.

There's plenty of members that have no web connection and would like the printed copy for their use.

Could something be done to allow members to request a printed copy with others like us here opting out for the printed copy to save the AAW money?

I think the by-laws committee is really trying to do a good job of updating them. I'm still waiting for the roll-out of the first draft of the by-laws for member feed back. If trust is to be regained, the members need to see that an effort is being put forth by the EC.

Take your time and put your best efforts in front of us. We won't bite, to hard :D

Curtis Thompson
# 15049
Apr 17, 2006
Kingston, Oklahoma
The agenda says $40,000 or about $3.00 per person.

I like having a printed copy, but I wonder what the cost is.

There's plenty of members that have no web connection and would like the printed copy for their use.

Could something be done to allow members to request a printed copy with others like us here opting out for the printed copy to save the AAW money?

I think the by-laws committee is really trying to do a good job of updating them. I'm still waiting for the roll-out of the first draft of the by-laws for member feed back. If trust is to be regained, the members need to see that an effort is being put forth by the EC.

Take your time and put your best efforts in front of us. We won't bite, to hard :D

Curtis Thompson
# 15049
Jul 15, 2008
Wow - color me embarrassed. :D :eek:

John, you of all people! :eek:

I sometimes use the online version of the directory, however, it's just easier for me to flip through the paper directory. And there are times when I sort of remember a person's name and that they live in a particular state. Even though it takes a bit of time, I can look for all the "Henry's" in a particular state and discover the last name.

So, I also support continuing to have a paper directory printed.

I expect that most of the support for printing a paper directory will be with folks who do not visit the forums or the website.

Betty Scarpino, editor, AW
Sep 23, 2008
The PDF is the way to go!

If someone really needs a copy of the document, I would publish clear information for them to be able to self service it via a PDF and a print it themselves. I suspect that the number of people that would actually do it would be very low, and the cost would probably be about the same to them.

In this day and age, printed materials really need to be evaluated. If x% is incorrect at the printing time, and y% changes during the life of the document, and it is only going to be looked at by a very small percentage of the recipients once in a while, it makes no sense for the entire organization to fund it. I would support putting that cost back on the individuals who want to continue printing the book.

P.S. I would say the same thing about the books at the Symposiums! I looked at mine, threw it in my room, and gave it away when I got home. Not that it wasn't very well done, but it's heavy and who wants to lug it around? Perhaps making it a "optional paid item" at the Symposium is a way to go "paperless" eventually?
Oct 11, 2006
Torrance, CA
John, you of all people! :eek:

I sometimes use the online version of the directory, however, it's just easier for me to flip through the paper directory. And there are times when I sort of remember a person's name and that they live in a particular state. Even though it takes a bit of time, I can look for all the "Henry's" in a particular state and discover the last name.

So, I also support continuing to have a paper directory printed.

I expect that most of the support for printing a paper directory will be with folks who do not visit the forums or the website.

Betty Scarpino, editor, AW

As of now the online version search is for last name, city, and zip code, not many options. If more options were made available, like first name it would be much faster to search online than your paper copy (This item is for John to tackle). Curtis has the best plan, if you want one request one, or have a opt out plan. Most chapters are email news letters only unless you ask for a printed copy. The cost savings is very significant and why not save all the money we can for other projects. I like John very seldom look at my paper copy after I first go through it after arrival. The fewer trees we mush into paper the more wood we'll have to turn.
Jun 26, 2010
Torrance California

A complete PDF membership file made available, might get miss used by commercial vendors or worse.

I like the system the way its set up now. You have to know who you are looking for to get any results.

To just lay all 13,000 members info out sitting on the table for anyone to download for their use is an inviting trouble. I haven't heard anyone complain about the online member directory before now.

Curtis Thompson
Feb 28, 2009
Red Oak, Texas
I would much rather have a good online directory with more search capability. In a way it's kind of funny that on one hand we are seeing threads telling us why so many things can't be done because so few us the internet and the forums and then see this discussion about moving the directory to .pdf.

A good in depth journal article might prove to be very beneficial. No, I won't be writing one. I can see the benefits of online but I don't have the skills to write such an article unless you want one sentence. 'Do it my way and don't complain' is probably too short.
Jul 15, 2008
A good in depth journal article might prove to be very beneficial. No, I won't be writing one. I can see the benefits of online but I don't have the skills to write such an article unless you want one sentence. 'Do it my way and don't complain' is probably too short.

Indeed, one sentence would probably too short to qualify for an in article. But you gave me a good laugh this morning, which is always welcome.

Betty Scarpino, editor, AW
Sep 23, 2008
I would much rather have a good online directory with more search capability. In a way it's kind of funny that on one hand we are seeing threads telling us why so many things can't be done because so few us the internet and the forums and then see this discussion about moving the directory to .pdf.

A good in depth journal article might prove to be very beneficial. No, I won't be writing one. I can see the benefits of online but I don't have the skills to write such an article unless you want one sentence. 'Do it my way and don't complain' is probably too short.

We can co-author the article.

My sentence is "That's the way we've always done it."

Together, the article could look something like this:

We've always done it this way. It's expensive and few use it, so we're doing it this way now. Don't complain.

You can go first in the by-line, Stuart.

john lucas

AAW Forum Expert
Apr 26, 2004
Cookeville, TN
Betty I've been known to thumb through the directory looking for a person who lives near someone who needs some turning help and give that person a call. One club in our state got started that way. It would be very hard to do with the online version.
It's kind of like catalogs. I can find what I need in a catalog in a matter of minutes. Sometimes I cannot find the same item on their website unless I know the exact name and part #.
I'm for keeping the paper directory.
Oct 25, 2005
Newberg, OR: 20mi SW of Portland: AAW #21058
In a way it's kind of funny that on one hand we are seeing threads telling us why so many things can't be done because so few us the internet and the forums and then see this discussion about moving the directory to .pdf.

Glad I'm not the only one that has noticed this.

If I'm not mistaken, you two are referring to the bylaws approval votes.

In one instance the member contact must be as thorough as possible, in the other, it's merely reference information that doesn't affect the future of the organization.
Jul 15, 2008
Betty I've been known to thumb through the directory looking for a person who lives near someone who needs some turning help and give that person a call. One club in our state got started that way. It would be very hard to do with the online version.
It's kind of like catalogs. I can find what I need in a catalog in a matter of minutes. Sometimes I cannot find the same item on their website unless I know the exact name and part #.
I'm for keeping the paper directory.

Since this issue will be discussed at the September board meeting, please email a board member (or the entire board) to let them know your opinion, either for or against. That is the best way for the BoD and Executive Director to hear what you have to say. I've voiced my opinions with Jean LeGwin, chair of the Publications Committee.

My stance has been consistent. I favor a printed directory, which is because I believe that the AAW is not yet ready to go totally electronic. But again, I'm not the ED, nor am I on the Board, nor do I speak for the anyone but myself. Supporting a printed directory is easy for me to do -- I don't have to balance any budget but my own (journal and personal).

Betty Scarpino, editor, AW
Jul 15, 2008
We can co-author the article.

My sentence is "That's the way we've always done it."

Together, the article could look something like this:

We've always done it this way. It's expensive and few use it, so we're doing it this way now. Don't complain.

You can go first in the by-line, Stuart.

I'm loving this! It's getting more in depth . . .

Betty Scarpino, editor, AW
Feb 28, 2009
Red Oak, Texas
If I'm not mistaken, you two are referring to the bylaws approval votes.

Sorry Owen, while I'm a firm believer in more online options for votes and the need to bring things further into the 21st century the bylaws and approval votes didn't enter into my mind. Of course now that it has been brought up:)
Sep 11, 2006
Ormond Beach FL
I would much rather have a good online directory with more search capability. In a way it's kind of funny that on one hand we are seeing threads telling us why so many things can't be done because so few us the internet and the forums and then see this discussion about moving the directory to .pdf.

A good in depth journal article might prove to be very beneficial. No, I won't be writing one. I can see the benefits of online but I don't have the skills to write such an article unless you want one sentence. 'Do it my way and don't complain' is probably too short.

We can co-author the article.

My sentence is "That's the way we've always done it."

Together, the article could look something like this:

We've always done it this way. It's expensive and few use it, so we're doing it this way now. Don't complain.

You can go first in the by-line, Stuart.

I'm loving this! It's getting more in depth . . .

Betty Scarpino, editor, AW

Can I do the photography?
Here's my submission for the cover photo:

(think of it as the White Album):D
Feb 9, 2009
Sinking Spring Pa.
If I'm not mistaken, you two are referring to the bylaws approval votes.

In one instance the member contact must be as thorough as possible, in the other, it's merely reference information that doesn't affect the future of the organization.

You would be mistaken I was simply saying I noticed the same thing. To me the members are the organization and obviously it will affect some members. I have never used the book and would gladly opt out given the choice however I'm not willing to decide for those that find it useful that it is merely reference information that doesn't affect the future of the organization. If it affects any member it affects the organization. Either the INTERNET is a viable way to communicate or it is not I don't think it is up to you to decide what is important enough or not.
Jun 24, 2010
New Mexico
Put the directory online and then publish a few far those that want a hard copy. Then sell the hard copies to those that cannot live without one.

Somewhere it was said they cost about $3 each for the current method, that cost will go up, probably quite a bit for a smaller amount. So sell them for a higher amount, say $10 each. That should cover publishing and mailing costs. This would place the additional cost of the hard copy on the people that cannot live without it.

Ron Sardo

Marvin, I was going to suggest the same thing.

Printing 10 at a time, I'm guesstimating that the price would be closer to $15 plus postage.

Printing in quantity greatly reduces the price of each directory.

(Count me in as one who prefers a hardcopy)
Jun 24, 2010
New Mexico
Marvin, I was going to suggest the same thing.

Printing 10 at a time, I'm guesstimating that the price would be closer to $15 plus postage.

Printing in quantity greatly reduces the price of each directory.

(Count me in as one who prefers a hardcopy)

From the comments I think that there would be a 1000 or more that would want the hard copy. Maybe each year, those that want hard copies would need to pre order. Then have that number plus an extra percentage printed so the extras could be for sale during the year.

Ron Sardo

It could even be as high as 5000, we are just speculating.

My thinking was, 10 months after the initial printing if a person wanted a updated directory, it would cost about what I mentioned.

Also, if printing for the directory is permanently dropped, there may no longer be a print run of any length.
Mar 14, 2010
Wichita Kansas
Use of directory

This is one of the few benefits of AAW membership--now some would delete that upon the basis only a few use it? I just used it to refer a newbie to a couple of AAW members he could contact for help. I use it often and don't want the d...n internet access to take the place of the printed copy. If "they" want to save money put it on a CD and send it--then those without computer access--more than you imagine--would be left out, and circulation would expand to all sort of places.

Ron Sardo

If "they" want to save money put it on a CD and send it--then those without computer access--more than you imagine--would be left out, and circulation would expand to all sort of places.

I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say.
Jun 26, 2007
Southwest Missouri
I keep seeing references to the large number of members who do not have internet access. I'd like to know how this is known. My local club has virtually 100 percent internet access. Just because a member does not have an email address listed with the AAW this can not be used as a basis to assume he or she dose not have internet access. As the AAW currently operates it's not necessary in order to participate.

How is it known how many members do not have internet access?

If the AAW went to an online directory, as a cost saving measure, why couldn't those who desire a paper copy just print it?

George Clark
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Aug 9, 2006
Apopka, FL

I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say.

I think what he was trying to say is, put the RD on a CD and send it to those that want a hard copy. Cost to the AAW for CD and Mailing $2.00/member would absorb the printing cost. He or She could have it bound in Leather or take it to work and abscond with work paper and toner. Oh and a 3 ring binder if needed. Well that is what I heard anyway.
Jun 16, 2004
Colorado Springs, CO
I keep seeing references to the large number of members who do not have internet access. I'd like to know how this is known. My local club has virtually 100% internet access. Just because a member does not have an email address listed with the AAW this can not be used as a basis to assume he or she dose not have internet access. As the AAW currently operates it's not necessary in order to participate.

How is it known how many members do not have internet access?

If the AAW went to an online directory, as a cost saving measure, why couldn't those who desire a paper copy just print it?

George Clark

George, AAW already has a searchable online directory - it's just not all in one place, like in the hard-copy version. For example,

Members personal contact info can be found here: http://woodturner.org/member/MemberDirectory.asp - note that this link will not work unless you are logged on.

Business and Professional members have their own searchable index: http://www.woodturner.org/products/resource_dir/AAWResources.asp

AAW Local Chapters can be found through this searchable database: http://www.woodturner.org/community/chapters/LocalChapters.asp

Other things found in the hard copy Resource Directly, like the Bylaws, Board, staff and committee contact info, woodturning safety guidelines, woodturning schools and lots of other stuff are also all on the website.

As for the question on internet access among AAW members, I think there's more to it than just having access. I get 10 to 20 emails a week from members who are having difficulty with one thing or another - can't remember my password, can't find a photo I saw 5 years ago, my browsers not up to date, can't figure out how to update my personal records, am I still a paid-up member...and on and on. So there’s a comfort, technical knowledge and experience on the net issue as well.

What I’ve found is that those who are not on the net all the time (probably not users of this forum), tend to learn how to do something like access the members area, then don’t use that feature for quite a while and forget what they learned – then get frustrated when confronted with something that looks familiar but they forgot how to use. So, a little patience and understanding is always helpful. That's where the new online video tutorials are coming from – kind of a self-help learning (and reminder) tool. But in the end, a lot of folks just have an analog outlook on life and will never feel totally comfortable in the digital world.
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Jun 16, 2004
Colorado Springs, CO
Also, regarding the idea of publishing soft copies of the Resource Directory in pdf via CD or the website - the issue that's always kept that from happening is concern over membership privacy, and crossing the subjective line on making it too easy for spammers and others to nefariously harvest membership information.

An example of that concern being acted on is built into the online searchable membership database – it’s been noted that you cannot search by State – at the time the system was being designed, the thought was that displaying every member in a given State digitally would make it too easy to harvest personal data.
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Mar 15, 2005
Post Falls, Idaho
Why don't you just leave things alone for another 5 to 10 years before cutting us old folks off from all access to the AAW and its membership? Stopping the printing of our magazine and telephone directory because you guys don't need anything but the computer will alienate, and lose the 1/2 of the AAW members who are over 75 years old and not on the computer all day every day. Do you really want 1/2 of the members to disappear.

I hate to tell all of you young guys that at least half of the AAW members are my age (75) and older. A lot of us don't use a computer because we never had to, and those of us that do aren't all that computer savy. We have lived all of our life with membership lists, telephone books, address books, mailing lists, and Sears and Monkey-Ward's catalogs. Those were all that was available for many years before you guys ever heard of a computer. Life always continues for us when the power dies or the computer quits because those address and telephone books are always there.
Jul 8, 2010
Tulsa, Ok
I keep seeing references to the large number of members who do not have internet access. I'd like to know how this is known. My local club has virtually 100 percent internet access. Just because a member does not have an email address listed with the AAW this can not be used as a basis to assume he or she dose not have internet access. As the AAW currently operates it's not necessary in order to participate.

How is it known how many members do not have internet access?

If the AAW went to an online directory, as a cost saving measure, why couldn't those who desire a paper copy just print it?

George Clark

I myself don't know how many member's don't have internet service or care, but your last statement has me confused. If member's don't have internet, how would they go about printing a copy for themselves?:confused:
Jul 15, 2008
Wow Russ! I bet you even remember those phones connected to the wall with those curly wires and round dials. It must have been hell having to live like that.

Just hold on a minute, Owen . . . I remember those kind of phones and party lines and prefixes such as Lakewood . . . or Oakwood . . . and I'm not even nearly as old as Russ!

I started with computers using keypunch cards and am still computer literate (mostly). Even so, I want a printed directory. I, however, have emailed my board representative, knowing that a personal message ranks higher than posting on this Forum. :rolleyes:

Betty Scarpino, editor, AW
Apr 24, 2004
Cowlesville,Western New York
Some time ago I said I would "opt-out" of the printed directory if it was posted on line. Ed Davidson told me were and how to get the online version, so far so good. After viewing the online Directory, I realized how much information you already needed to possess to adequately use the digital version.

I'm sending my request to the Board to continue the printed version until an adequate facsimile can be made available online. I would also consider paying a premium for the printed version should a yes/no option be decided upon in September.
Jun 26, 2007
Southwest Missouri
Why don't you just leave things alone for another 5 to 10 years before cutting us old folks off from all access to the AAW and its membership? Stopping the printing of our magazine and telephone directory because you guys don't need anything but the computer will alienate, and lose the 1/2 of the AAW members who are over 75 years old and not on the computer all day every day. Do you really want 1/2 of the members to disappear.

I hate to tell all of you young guys that at least half of the AAW members are my age (75) and older. A lot of us don't use a computer because we never had to, and those of us that do aren't all that computer savvy. We have lived all of our life with membership lists, telephone books, address books, mailing lists, and Sears and Monkey-Ward's catalogs. Those were all that was available for many years before you guys ever heard of a computer. Life always continues for us when the power dies or the computer quits because those address and telephone books are always there.


I'm not sure why, but I think you're blowing smoke with that response and I think you're also blowing smoke with your statistics.:) Your grasp of the technology is way above mine. I have four of your DVDs from which I learned a great deal, and have recommended to others, and I have communicated with you by email about formatting problems of said DVDs which you helped me solve. So please spare me the old guy - don't understand the technology routine.:D If you want things to stay the way they are that's one thing, but let's not dumb down everyone over 60 or 70 or whatever age.

I think this attitude or belief that the "old" members can't use the technology as an excuse to keep us out of the 21st century is a gross insult to any member over 60. I'm 67 and I communicate electronically with friends in their 70s and 80s on a regular basis. I personally don't want an electronic membership because I like to hold the magazine in my grubby little hands. I simply don't believe the theory that "the old guys can't handle it," is a valid reason for the resistance to electronic communication.

My whole point is that I think email is a valid substitute for snail mail given the resistance to mailings because of the cost.

George Clark