• Beware of Counterfeit Woodturning Tools (click here for details)
  • Johnathan Silwones is starting a new AAW chapter, Southern Alleghenies Woodturners, in Johnstown, PA. (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to William Rogers for "Ambrosia Maple Platter" being selected as Turning of the Week for September 16, 2024 (click here for details)
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More forum use by members

Jun 25, 2010
West Palm Beach , Florida
I have been very interested by the use or lack there of, of this forum, I personally am /was not a forum person. I think I signed up when I joined AAW 2 1/2 years ago, but never used it after that.

Had to rejoin when June 21st rolled around. As President of a local chapter, I have just mentioned to my members that this was available to them. I didn't know much about forums have learned a lot in the past 2 months.

I think an article in the AW would be a great idea, I am not much of a writer, but I think the lack of use is not because of the inability to use technology, but the lack of knowledge that it is available.

One of my members asked me a question, I didn't know the answer so I posted it in here for him. I didn't know until the recent posting that you don't have to be a member of the AAW to post on here.

I think if a letter was sent to the Presidents mentioning the forum and asking the presidents to forward it to the membership it would increase the use and knowledge of the forum.

I would like to see this venue used for what it was designed for learning, and helping others.
Dec 23, 2006
Central Ohio
I agree,lack of promotion is a problem.

Would be a very tough job for someone in each club to bring a laptop and show other members how to get to the site then how to use it? This is not a field of dreams,,,, build it they will come.....
Jun 25, 2010
West Palm Beach , Florida

Now there is a demo I can plan on. I think I have just the guy for that club Demo. and he has a projector for his laptop. Thanks for the idea.
Jul 13, 2010
San Diego, CA
Why I don't use the website or forum so much

You are missing another and, for me, primary reason why people don't use the AAW website or forums. For me, I just don't have time to sit at the computer and read that volume of information. Therefore, I pick and choose what to read and view. For woodturning, I scan WOW and occasionally WoodCentral. I find the format and content to my liking. I also find a huge amount of redundant posting between the sites, so I do not bother here.

Before all of the forums, there was the usenet rec.crafts.woodturning. And it was good. But eventually, it was over run by spam and WOW was the result. Wood Central gained life in approximately the same timeframe too. Both of these predate the AAW forums.

Finally, I have other interests for my online time: I read the news online. I enjoy sports online. I am a bicycle rider and spend time shopping for my next bike. I just sent my oldest to college last week, so I try to keep up with her too. Most days, woodturning gets 15 minutes, if that, and I prefer to spend it looking at the photos on WOW. Tonight was different, but not my usual routine. Joe