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Apr 12, 2022
Papamoa Beach, New Zealand
Hi does any one have a set of plans for rosettes or know where I can see some for ideas. all my old ones got destroyed in a fire years ago and I can not remember how I worked them out (old age) any help would be appreciated
Cheers Mike
You can start with simple polygons cut on a tablesaw. This will make C rosettes (Holtzapffel naming convention). Cutting on the far side will turn them into D rosettes.
Hi Tom and ED
Thanks for the replies. Tom I have not cut any yet its the pattens for them that I was after.
Ed thanks for that I was going to cut them on my band saw when I have some pattens thgy will be on the rear of my lathe on a shaft that will be rotated by hand through a chain or pullet system. I looked in Holtzapflels books and didnt see any pattens only the end result.
any way thanks for your suggestions and help
Cheers Mike

We moved the OTBoK to a new location and converted it to a Wiki form. It is now at https://OrnamentalTurners.info.


I think the rosettes to which you are referring are objects made for architectural use, whilst these roses are used to make an object. They set the shape for rocking and pumping on a Rose Engine.
Hi Rich Yes that is correct the rosettes that I want to make are for pumping the engine.I have been on the net alot and finaly found a few sites that I can see how they were made also a site in Germany hwere the guy has a sop off rose engine lathes etc his video help alot. The other thing is that I intend tio purchase a copy of Holtzapffels Vol 5 which is dedicated to the art of Ornamental turning.
thanks for all the advice
Cheers Mike
Can you post a list when you get a chance? I've recently acquired a CNC router that's big enough to make rosettes, unlike my 3018 (30cm by 18cm, or almost 12" x 7", cutting area). If the honeydo list gets short enough, and the swarms of north wood mosquitoes in the shop small enough (who knew that mosquitoes like to hang out around a wood lathe?), I'd like to try a few.
The OT Book of Knowledge has an entry about Rosettes. About ⅔ of the way down on that page is a section about making them. That will probably be of more use than Holtzapffel’s V5. If I remember correctly, the Holtzapffel book only vaguely addresses rosettes, and only as it regards the rose cutting frame.
Hi Rich
I found the O/T book and saw the bit about Rosettes.I have a copy of L.E.Bergeron book and have managed top blow his rosettes up enough to make a patten for some. Have a fair bit on at the moment so will have to put things on hold for a week or two then I will have a go at making the rosettes.
I got some photos of the Kiwi Fruit trunks and when the Wife transfers them for me I will out them up for people to see.
Cheers Mike
Ps to cold and wet here for working in my shed too long
Hi The rose engine system I was trying to make work DIDNT work so i went on the hunt. I also belong to a group in NZ call ed the NZ wood turners on facebook.
One of the member had a Tenatool Nova Ornamental attachment for his lathe and put up a picture of it. There was only a couple of hundred of these ever made. some people like them and as usual there are some that dont. Well after looking at what it could do and the fact that it could do exactley what a rose engine lathe could I contacted the person and managed to get a copy of the manual for it. In the manual were the measurements and exploded diagrams of the work holding and the cutting head this was all that i needed to be able to build one.
I was able to use some of what I had already built. I have now built the XY tables the tower and barrel that hold the chuck Lucky that I also have a Myford ML7 and a mill that I built.
I have also machined the Spindel from a 30mm HT 150mm long bolt this is the size of the spindel on my lathe so that the chuck can be used as I want.
I now have to make the handle for the spindel .
For a index system I have built a Spindex index system this consists of a disk with 36 holes and a vernieer disc with 0-9 holes. The hoiles on the disk are at 10 deg and on the vernieer at 11 deg.
this gives 360 divisions easily and is very precise. so far the whole thing has cost me under $100 NZ
when i get the cutter made i wil put on another post .If i could get onto thgis site on facebook I could put up all the photos of what i have built and the plans.
Meantime keep turning Cheers Miike
Hi Rich
Thanks for the info I have saved the site and will take a look later. i did some more work on the spindel today after figuering out how to hold it with out damaging it in the chuck. I hope to make a tart on the cutting head next week.
Cheers Mike