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Japanese Tea Light

Japanese Tea Light

The Japanese Tea Light came to mind after I turned some leftover Hard Maple band saw scraps into small bases for supporting smaller turnings lying around. So, I turned the egg shaped bowl from some leftover Sycamore I had lying around to fit the base together with the bowl. Diane thought it needed something else to give it a little pizzazz. So, I got out the pencil and paper and worked on a piercing design for a border below the lip and did the piercing. We still thought it needed more, so the black and red acrylic colors were airbrushed on. The last step was finishing with Krylon Matt Finish Lacquer and polishing with paper by hand. I do not know what else to do, so I guess it is finished. The overall size is 3 x 4 x 2 Dia. The tea light is a battery operated light which sits nicely in the bowl.
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Reactions: Joe Cornell
Kurt, I too have been away from the computer at SWAT. I do not have road runner for my iphone. What a surprise to see this picked. I am ecstatic! I traded this piece away at the SWAT WOW Swap on Saturday! Thanks for the honor Kurt!
This one slid in while I was gallery sitting for a week, so I'm lagging, but I really want to compliment you on this one and the explanation of how it evolved. I like the way the overall details make a cohesive design -- the piercing, shape and colors all mesh very well. I especially like the integrated stand. It elevates the pierced top to the level of fine craft (pun intended) -- Dick
Bill, I'd seen this piece elsewhere and really like everything about it. Glad you kept at it until you were happy with it, definitely time well spent. Congratulations on turning of the week, well deserved!
Dixwood - Thank you for liking this piece and for the complements. Believe me, they are well received.

Steve, I am happy you did see this elsewhere and that you like the end results. I am excited about it winning turning of the week and hope that it is well received by all. Thanks again.

Congratulations on winning "Turning of the Week." Looked foward to seeing it at SWAT, but I guess you had already traded it.

Nice work Bill, given that it is selected as "turning of the week" and has been "traded" I think your assessment that it is "finished" would seem correct! LOL It is interesting that sometimes we can find what we are looking for in a piece of wood right away and sometimes it we have to keep going back to it to get it where it needs to be (I have one of those in the works now). Keep'm coming!
Gary, thank you. I am sorry you did not get to see this at swat. I did not want to carry it around until the trade. Had I known about this honor from Kurt, I might have changed my mind about the trade. Anyway, the person who received it should be happy - I think.
Jim, I am sorry for not responding. I have been in a hat making class with J.Michelson and missed your post and page 2 as well. Comes with age! lol. Your assessment that it is finished is a correct one. I really am glad you liked it and hope the recipient of the piece likes it as well. As I told Gary, I might have changed my mind had I known about the honor in advance. Oh well, I could make another too. Thanks again Jim.
Thanks John, glad you did like it at the swat wow swap. It is now in Oklahoma with Almeta Robertson.

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Bill Pottorf
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Focal length
90.0 mm
Exposure time
1/3 second(s)
File size
61.5 KB
Date taken
Tue, 14 August 2012 9:36 AM
727px x 528px

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